Eyelid problems
Eyelids help with tear distribution and protect our eyes from dryness, infection, injury and too much light. It’s not uncommon to have problems with our eyelids, like lumps, bumps, drooping or sagging. Often these conditions are harmless – but sometimes they’re not.
Whatever concerns you have about your eyelids, getting an early and accurate diagnosis is key. Whether it’s for cosmetic or medical reasons, our specialists evaluate and recommend the appropriate course of action, so you can enjoy a healthier and happier quality of life.
Eyelid lesions
Most eyelid lesions aren’t a threat to your vision or overall health. Some growths may be treated with simple remedies like a warm compress. But because our eyelids are vulnerable to sun damage, malignant skin tumours can occur.
That’s why it’s crucial to keep a close watch on any suspicious eyelid lumps or bumps and have our ophthalmologist evaluate them. We can ensure they’re not cancerous or pre-cancerous growths and give you the necessary care.
Eyelid malposition
Age and sun exposure can impact our eyelids causing them to turn inward (entropion) or outward (ectropion). This can lead to a range of issues, like dry eyes and lashes rubbing on our eye’s surface. It may affect confidence and self-image, too.
Eyelid malposition often stems from age-related natural changes in our eyelid’s support structure. While treatments like artificial tears and lubricating ointments may offer relief and prevent eye damage, surgical repair is often required.
We understand the impact of these conditions and provide the right solutions to restore both the function and aesthetics of your eyes.
Ptosis (drooping eyelids)
Drooping or sagging eyelids are common conditions which can impact our appearance and the function of our eyes.
Ptosis – is when the muscles that lift our eyelids don’t work as they should. Ptosis is usually associated with ageing but can also be hereditary (congenital ptosis) or result from eye trauma, cataract surgery or even prolonged contact lens wear. Most types of ptosis can be treated with surgery which returns the eyelid to a more normal position.
Ptosis can sometimes be a warning sign of a more serious condition. If your eyelid droops suddenly or is accompanied by double vision, facial muscle weakness, severe headaches or difficulty speaking or swallowing, it’s vital to seek medical care straight away.

Dermatochalasis (sagging eyelids)
Dermatochalasis – is when the eyelid skin becomes loose as a natural part of the ageing process. It’s commonly treated with surgery (blepharoplasty) to remove the excess skin.
Our ophthalmologists and oculoplastic specialists will want to determine the exact cause of your drooping or sagging eyelids before recommending a treatment. But in many cases, eyelid surgery brings the best results. Rest assured, we are highly skilled in performing these corrective measures and you can look forward to restored functionality and a more youthful and revitalised look.

Frequently asked questions.
We know it can be hard to find the right information. And there are important decisions to be made. Here are some questions we’re frequently asked, but if you still need answers, just get in touch.
We’ll explain everything you need to know about medications before your eyelid surgery. But, yes, certain blood thinning medications may need to be ceased.
Not necessarily, although it can help reduce costs. We can offer certain types of eyelid surgery in the clinic procedure room. Book your consultation to find out if your condition qualifies.
Certain types of eyelid surgery can be painful, but usually only for a few days and Panadol or simple pain relievers can help.
Removal of some skin cancers may produce noticeable scarring. However, our oculoplastic surgeons are specifically trained to consider safety, function and appearance using skilled flaps and grafts. Other types of eyelid surgery rarely cause significant scarring.
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